
Retaining advice to achieve an optimal negotiation result is a worthwhile investment. Generating genuine added value, however, requires more.

MAYRFELD accompanies clients in their endeavors to overcome technological and territorial borders. We focus on advising technology companies and combine legal with technical and business expertise via the MAYRFELD Advisory Board and our interdisciplinary professional network.

MAYRFELD stands for professional services according to the standards of major international law firms tailored to specific client needs: personal advice, utmost confidentiality by modest personnel exposure, and high flexibility. MAYRFELD applies a management-oriented and strategic advisory approach with a view on a sustained return on the investment in legal services. Moreover, we understand a client‘s need for added value beyond legal advice.

Acting in Concert.

Thinking together. Acting together. Succeeding together.

Teamwork and collaboration – despite often existing physical distance – are crucial for this endeavor. Further, secure communication is indispensable for confidential collaboration. We are, therefore, constantly working on ways of integrating our services more effectively into the internal operational or project processes of our clients.

With our M-CLOUD, we have created a tool for integrated and management-oriented legal advice that lets you forget distances in space and time.

M-CLOUD – One step beyond.


With our M-CLOUD, we bring ourselves, our clients, and our common ideas and strategies independent of their location literally “on the same page.” M-CLOUD allows us to move “one step beyond” towards our clients, making it easier for our clients to integrate into in-house processes and giving our advice the distinct, individualized and management-oriented component.

M-CLOUD is our collaboration platform running exclusively on our own servers that allows you to exchange, upload and download documents and files in specific shared workspaces. In addition, our workspaces allow simple project-coordination and the collaborative editing of documents, spreadsheets, or presentations directly on our server without the need for downloading.

But M-CLOUD is more: it allows collaborative Kan-Ban-oriented project management, audio-visual communication, and serves as a platform for future “legal tech” applications. Access to M-CLOUD is protected by two-factor authentication. Document exchange is either HTTPS- or end-to-end encrypted.

MAYRFELD Project Management – Good planning is everything.

We offer tools to support our clients in an integrative team-oriented and transparent project planning, but also provide a structure that allows us to actively manage the legally relevant aspects of a project or transaction.

Our Kanban-oriented project management tool allows interdisciplinary transactional project management across departments. M-CLOUD enables stakeholders to collect all points relevant for completing a transaction, to allocate corresponding tasks to each project participant, and to jointly monitor their execution and completion. Our tool supports

supports all project participants in considering all strategic, economic, technical and legal aspects of a transaction and to process them in a transparent and structured fashion. Project delays resulting from missed timely involvement of the legal adviser, thus, belong to the past.

MSEC – The sign of trust.

We think that secure communication is a cornerstone of the client-attorney privilege and an essential requirement for providing independent legal counsel. That is why we launched our MSEC – MAYRFELD Secure Electronic Communication – initiative.

Email ist an essential form of communication these days. Corresponding via email is fast, easy, and universal. Email, however, is also a very vulnerable form of communication. Emails can be forged and intercepted, and trusting in tampered emails can pose a serious threat for every organization. To make the trustworthiness in our email correspondence verifiable, all MAYRFELD emails are signed with an S/MIME certificate certifying the origin of the account the email was sent from. Our S/MIME certificate, however, can do more. It does not only serve you as a proof of origin of our email communication. Rather, it also allows you to encrypt email correspondence with us if you have your own S/MIME certificate available.

But MSEC is more. Using the services of our M-CLOUD allows you either HTTPS- or end-to-end encrypted document exchange with our firm. Exchanging documentation via M-CLOUD is a good alternative for secure electronic communication with MAYRFELD whenever encrypted email communication is not available. We would encourage our clients to make use of the means of secure electronic communication of our MSEC initiative whenever possible.


MAYRFELD Web-Conferencing

Secure audio-visual communication via MAYRFELD-controlled servers for larger groups with integration with our M-CLOUD.

While M-CLOUD opens various possibilities for communication and collaboration with our clients, in addition we maintain an own web-conferencing platform for larger web-conferences on server in Germany exclusively controlled by MAYRFELD. Although certain commercially available web-conferencing and collaboration tools by multinational application providers have become popular, we provide a self-hosted web-conferencing platform since we value privacy in attorney-client communication.

In combination with our M-CLOUD we maintain an integrated system for effortless and confidential written and audio-visual communication to a larger scale audience that plays its strengths when providing training sessions, lectures, webinars, and in larger conferences. In addition our system allows us to stay in personal contact with our clients in epidemiological difficult times, and to facilitate group trainings and teamwork with participants working in decentralized locations, and without the need for additional travel.

Context Counseling. Never heard of it? We call it MAYRFELD 360.

You cannot stop time. We neither.

Our context consulting can, therefore, be “reverse engineered” from the specific to the general. For us, representing you in a specific matter qualifies as the starting point for the development of strategies to implement future (internal) processes that sharpen your business model. Otherwise investment in legal advice does not turn into a return of investment. We do not start with armchair decisions but rather look at your specific business situation and advise on alternative and optimizing conditions vis-a-vis your business partners while taking into account input from your relevant divisions and the corresponding internal processes.

You do not need any agreement. You need the agreement that perfectly and comprehensively covers the specific aspects of your specific deal. On the level of an individual agreement, for example, the attractiveness of a deal is not only determined by price negotiations but also by various legal considerations (such as warranty or liability). However, your deal is not alone. Every deal needs to be embedded in the overall context of your company’s business goals. Your deal needs to co-exist and create synergies with your other business obligations. From a certain transactional scope on, it may be required to implement specific company internal contract management processes and contract policies.

Each deal may help you in understanding the specific needs of and protection required for your business. With the right expertise, however, it is possible to anticipate those from a single transaction and to create processes and policies for a smooth and fine-tuned contract management to ensure swift negotiations in the future and a perfect coordination of your contractual obligations vis-a-vis all of your business partners. At the same time, you want to make sure that your contract(s) are coherently implemented and used within your organization. Receiving a great (form) agreement alone does not generate a return of investment. Your business terms need to be consistently applied in all comparable transactions – and if not, you need to know why.

By applying an appropriate implementation procedure, you can ensure proper distribution, application, and monitoring of your business terms. Only a 360 degree view on your transactions from their specifics to general applications, from consistent implementation to monitoring and application allows you a full return on your legal investment. That’s what we call MAYRFELD 360.

Translational Advice
It all begins with an idea.

MAYRFELD understands translational advice as managing the legal issues of a project, an initiative, or an undertaking in its various stages from idea to product.

It all begins with an idea – which can be of a scientific, artistic or business nature. Ideas are conceived in various environments: at universities, in research labs or in major corporations – just to name a view. However, the success of your idea depends on its realization and its feasibility. In particular looking at the technology sector, regulatory requirements can cause considerable obstacles in the implementation of your idea. An idea that is not developed under due consideration of the regulatory framework looses commercial value – even if individual steps are completed under participation of external counsel. This is where we come in.

MAYRFELD understands translational advice as managing the legal issues of a project, an initiative, or an undertaking in its various stages from idea to product, such as regulatory issues, IP protection, contemporary employment models, or complementing value creation – just to mention a few buzzwords. In the initial phase we provide support with the establishment of your idea within the regulatory framework. Following, we advise in connection with the implementation of the R&D process and ensure that developed IP remains pooled to maintain its value. We are developing employment structures and represent you in negotiations with your cooperation partners. We develop contractual and legal models for alternative or complementary value creation for your developments at an early stage of your development activities.

We advise in connection with the implementation of your development result in a product, with manufacturing and distribution, and advise on advantageous adjustments of your existing corporate structure going forward. You will cross territorial borders on your development journey. This is exactly the focus of our expertise.

And in this regard, we do not solely rely on our own expertise. In light of our multidisciplinary advisory approach, upon request, we will arrange for external consultants, industrial standard experts, or coaches within our network. We will also be glad to cooperate with existing consultants to ensure a coordinated and consolidated R&D- and commercialization strategy and the successful implementation of your idea into a marketable product.

Advisory Board
Our advisory board is a novum - the concept, however, is not new.

Our clients are innovative – we want to meet them at eye level and are glad to stay one step ahead with them.

MAYRFELD deliberately sets itself apart from the services of other law firms by providing a multidisciplinary advisory approach, and by its establishment of a multidisciplinary advisory board.The MAYRFELD Advisory Board consists of

selected scientists and other professionals offering a multidisciplinary discourse on technological and legal developments assisting us in recognizing trends and sharpening our technological understanding to provide innovative legal advice.

The MAYRFELD Advisory Board is an independent advisory body whose members are not affiliated with MAYRFELD. However, upon client request, individual board members will be glad to participate in a client project.

High level diversity.

The members of our advisory board provide a diverse range of high level academic knowledge and experience ranging from regulatory, IT and data processing to law and ethics. We are proud and honored for having the opportunity to benefit from this board of excellent scientists in their field who

combine their diversified expertise in a true multidisciplinary fashion. Each individual benefits from having applied his or her scientific background in a translational environment. Please meet the members of the MAYRFELD Advisory Board.


Prof. Dr. jur. Dr. jur. h.c. mult. Bernd Schünemann

Prof. em. Chair of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure Law, Philosophy of Law and Sociology of Law at LMU Munich Director of the Institute for Lawyers' Law at the LMU Munich
View CV

Professor Dr. Nils Hoppe

Professor of Ethics and Law in the Life Sciences, Director of the Center for Ethics and Law in the Life Sciences and Research Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at Leibniz University Hannover.
View CV
Multidisciplinary Network
You can only generate real added value if retained advice seamlessly integrates in your business' overall (operational) context.

MAYRFELD plays its part in the context of an integrated advisory approach and provides clients with the ability to ideally supplement their individual skills and expertise by calling in complementary advisors. Experience has shown that – ultimately – accomplishing many a task is not always solely of a legal nature.

When talking about multi-disciplinary practices you often think of a combination of legal advice, tax advice and accounting services. We think beyond that. Depending on a company’s development stage and wealth of experience an entirely different know-how is in demand for the realization of corporate success. This know-how can be of a regulatory, organizational, management, communicative, or strategic nature. In pursuit of a true multidisciplinary approach, MAYRFELD, on demand, can provide seamless integration of external consultants, advisors on industry standards, or coaches within our network to provide true multidisciplinary advisory services.

In light of our translational advisory approach, multi-disciplinary advice for us means that we assist our clients by making available our multi-disciplinary network contacts. For example, in addition to the regulatory framework in the technology sector compliance with technical standards (e.g., ISO or DIN) have a decisive impact. Although they cannot replace legal rules and regulations, compliance with these standards is critical in connection with obtaining or maintaining government approval, in case of an audit or just for avoiding negligence. Via our network we can provide our clients with access to excellent industry standard experts that assist in implementing necessary technical compliance measures in your company.

Proper communication is key to your success – internally as well as externally. Although you may be tempted to believe that your technology speaks for itself, no company or product presentation, no staff leadership or employee motivation, frankly no information `/erfolgt selbstredend/`. Upon demand, we provide you access to our network of certified business coaches to assist you in the profiling and external appearance of your business.

Download our Brochure
One Step Beyond.

If you find this appealing, please see our brochure for more information on MAYRFELD.